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Greyfriars Tower & Gardens
At Greyfriars Tower & Gardens, guide the MESSAGE IN A SHUTTLE safely through space with our two-player Tower game. Interact with the INTERGALACTIC SYNTHESIZER at the pergolas to activate the Musical Mysterium.
King’s Lynn Minster
The COUNTDOWN CLOCK displays parallel times – Individual, Family, Technological, and Natural.
Custom House
At your Custom House, see how today’s actions affect Earthport Lynn at EYE TO THE FUTURE.
Old Argos Windows
We’ve been working with young 21st-century IHL recruits from your schools. They’ve come up with amazing designs for the future – see them at the AGENTS of CHANGE exhibition in Old Argos windows.
The Corn Exchange
At your Corn Exchange, see the AGENTS OF CHANGE projections created by our young IHL recruits.
St Nicholas’ Chapel
Visit our HYPERSPACE MOORING at St Nicholas’ Chapel to experience our journey and see our ship, anchored beside the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy.
In the town centre, watch for TRANSMISSIONS on cinema screens and in shop windows. Visit to see the TRANSMISSIONS and for more info. Look for #theIHLKL #WHATISTHEMINDSHIFT on TikTok and other social media to see and share your ideas for a better future!